Supervised Machine Learning – Day 9

By Published On: May 8, 20241.4 min readViews: 79

A break due to sick

Oh boy… I was sick for almost two weeks 🤒

After several skirmish with the germs or virus or whatever that dared to challenge my immune system, I’m thrilled to announce not just my victorious return to health but also to the enthralling world of machine learning.

It’s as if the universe paused my coding powers, storing them safely, until I could reclaim them with a vengeance.

And reclaim I did!

Today, I triumphantly completed week two’s coding assessment, feeling like a coder reborn.

Let’s dive back into the data-drenched depths where we left off, shall we? 🚀

The first coding assessment

I couldn’t recall all of the stuff actually. It’s for testing implementation of gradient dscent for one variable linear regression.

I did a walk through previous lessons and I found this summary is really helpful:

This exercise enhanced what I’ve learnt in this week.

Getting into Classification

I started the learning of the 3rd week. Looks like it will be more interesting.

I made a few notes:

  1. binary classification
  2. negative class not mean “bad”, but absense.
  3. positive class not mean “good”, but presence.
  4. New english words: benign, malignant
  5. logistic regression – Even though, it has “regression” in the name, but it’s for classification.
    • threshold
    • sigmoid function or logistic function
  6. decision boundary

Probability that y is 1;
Given input arrow x, parameters arrow w, b.

I couldn’t focus too long on this. Need to pause after watching a few videos.

Bye now.

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