The Background...
I have Django/Vue development environment running locally.
To streamline my Django development, I typically open six tmux windows ๐ :
- Celery window - It also check and start necessary local services, like mailpit and redis, then fianlly start Celery.
- Flower window - Start Flower
- Django window - Start Django runserver
- Django manager shell window - For Django manager operations
- Heroku window - Checking Heroku status and commit and other Heroku operations
- Vue window - Start npm run serve or build
I used one Tmux session to hold all above.
However, my laptop sometimes needs to reboot, after reboot, all of my windows are gone ๐
I have configured tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum to try to handle this scenario, but they couldn't re-run those commands even they could restore the windows correctly.
Let me show you the screenshots.
The problem...
Typically, my development windows look like this:
As you see, the services are running within the respective windows.
If I save them with tmux-resurrect, after reboot, of course tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum could restore them, but services and all environment variables are gone.
To simulate, let me kill all sessions in tmux, check the output:
Now start tmux again, here are the status I can see, tmux restored the previous saved windows:
Let's check the window now:
None of the services is running ๐
The Complain...
As the supreme overlord of, I simply cannot let such imperfection slide.
Not on my watch.
Nope, not happening.
This ain't it, chief.
Okay, let's fix it!
The Fix...
Okay! I wrote a script.. oh no! Two scripts!
One is called to create all windows, it will invoke which export functions to initialize environment variables in specific windows.
A snippet of
#!/bin/bash # Please note: don't use dot in session name. SESSION_NAME="matrixlink_ai" # Check if the tmux session already exists tmux has-session -t $SESSION_NAME 2>/dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then # Create a new detached tmux session named tmux new-session -d -s $SESSION_NAME # Set up the 'celery' window tmux rename-window -t $SESSION_NAME 'celery' echo "Starting celery window..." echo "Sleeping 5s to wait window celery finish initialization....." sleep 5 echo "Checking psql in window celery..." tmux send-keys -t $SESSION_NAME 'psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d matrixlink_ai' C-m sleep 2 tmux send-keys -t $SESSION_NAME '\q' C-m sleep 1 # Can't use ENVIRONMENT variable for the script path be sourced. # Remember to put below command to background, otherwise it will wait here forever. tmux send-keys -t $SESSION_NAME '. ${YOUR_PATH_TO_PROJECT}/ && setup_celery_window' C-m & echo "Starting flower window..." tmux new-window -t $SESSION_NAME -n 'flower' echo "Sleeping 5s to wait window flower finish initialization....." sleep 5 # $SESSION_NAME:flower is to specify the window # $SESSION_NAME.flower is to specify the pane tmux send-keys -t $SESSION_NAME:flower '. ${YOUR_PATH_TO_PROJECT}/ && setup_flower_window' C-m & echo "Starting nvm window..." ... echo "Starting Django window..." ... echo "Starting Django manager window..." ... echo "Starting Heroku window..." ... fi # Attach to the tmux session tmux attach -t $SESSION_NAME
The looks like:
#!/bin/sh WORKDIR="${YOUR_PATH_TO_PROJECT}/github/" CONDA_ENV="matrixlinkai.django" setup_celery_window() { conda activate ${CONDA_ENV} cd $WORKDIR brew services start mailpit brew services start redis export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379/0 export USE_DOCKER=no export CELERY_CONFIG_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER=yes celery -A config.celery_app worker --loglevel=info } setup_flower_window() { conda activate ${CONDA_ENV} cd $WORKDIR export CELERY_BROKER_URL=$(echo "REDIS_URL") export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379/0 export CELERY_BROKER_URL=$REDIS_URL export CELERY_FLOWER_USER=debug export CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD=debug export USE_DOCKER=no export CELERY_CONFIG_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER=yes celery -A config.celery_app -b ${CELERY_BROKER_URL} flower --basic_auth="${CELERY_FLOWER_USER}:${CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD}" } setup_django_window() { conda activate ${CONDA_ENV} cd $WORKDIR export CELERY_BROKER_URL=$(echo "REDIS_URL") export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379/0 export CELERY_BROKER_URL=$REDIS_URL export CELERY_FLOWER_USER=debug export CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD=debug export USE_DOCKER=no export EMAIL_HOST=localhost export CELERY_CONFIG_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER=yes # Please export sensitive information manually, like OPENAI key # You need to manually replace ${DB_USERNAME} here if not yet set environment variable. export DATABASE_URL=postgres://${DB_USERNAME}@ python migrate echo "Sleeping 10s to wait npm to start in another window..." sleep 10 python runserver } setup_django_manager_window() { conda activate ${CONDA_ENV} cd $WORKDIR export USE_DOCKER=no # You need to manually replace ${DB_USERNAME} here if not yet set environment variable. export DATABASE_URL=postgres://${DB_USERNAME}@ export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379/0 export CELERY_CONFIG_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER=yes python shell } setup_nvm_window() { conda activate ${CONDA_ENV} cd $WORKDIR/frontend npm run serve }
The End...
Now, after reboot, I can just invoke script and it will spin up all windows for me in seconds!
I've recorded a video about how it looks like when running the script, please check out at my post Terminal Mastery: Crafting A Productivity Environment With ITerm, Tmux, And Beyond
Thanks for watching!