Hey there! Welcome to this Kubernetes tutorial! Ever dreamed of running a real multi-node Kubernetes (K8s) cluster on your laptop instead of settling for Minikube’s diet version? A proper real multi-node Kubernetes environment requires virtual machines, and until last year, VMware Fusion was a paid product—an obstacle for many. I know there are alternatives, like KVM, Oracle VirtualBox, and even Minikube’s so-called multi-node mode ----but let’s be real: I’ve got a beast of a MacBook Pro, so why not flex its muscles and spin up a legit multi-node cluster? 🚀
But great news! On November 11, 2024, VMware announced that Fusion and Workstation are now free for all users! The moment I stumbled upon this announcement, I was thrilled. Time to roll up my sleeves, fire up some VMs, and make this cluster a reality. Kick off my Kubernetes tutorial! Let’s dive in! 🚀
Project Overview
My Goal
In this series of Kubernetes tutorial, I want to set up a full Kubernetes cluster on my MacBook Pro using VMware Fusion, creating multiple VMs to simulate real-world deployment and practice my DevOps and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) skills.
Planned Setup
Create a VM as Base VM (Rocky Linux 9)
- Configure networking
- Update system packages
- Disable
- Enable SSH passwordless login from local Mac to the base VM
- Set up
and common aliases - Install Miniforge for Python environment management
- Install and configure Ansible
Set up a Local Server Node (
)- Clone from the above base VM image
- Create an Ansible script to customize the base VM image withe new hostname, SSH keys, and networking
- Set up DNS and NTP servers as our internal hostname resolution and local time sync up
Create Kubernetes Nodes (
)- Clone from the base image
- Using the same Ansible script to customize new VMs' hostname, SSH keys, and networking
- Install core Kubernetes packages (
) - Enable
and open necessary ports (Yes! Many online articles disable firewalld setup in their tutorils, but I want lift the bar! Get it work with iptables like a production environment!)
Cluster Formation
- Setup
as Master Node with Flannel as CNI plugin - Setup
k8s-2, k8s-3, k8s-4
as Worker Nodes and join the cluster
- Setup
Test/Deploy Nginx Service into Cluster via NodePort
- Setup Kubernetes Cluster Dashboard
- More is coming!
In the envrionment used in this Kubernetes tutorial, each VM will have two network interfaces:
→ Connected tovmnet2
(private network created on VMFusion for Kubernetes I will talk later:
→ Shared with Mac for Internet access.
Hostname | Role | IP Address (ens160) |
localserver | DNS Server, NTPServer | |
k8s-1 | Master | |
k8s-2 | Worker | |
k8s-3 | Worker | |
k8s-4 | Worker | |
Creating the Rocky 9 Base VM
Configure a Custom Network in VMFusion
I hope you’ve already installed VMware Fusion—that part is straightforward.
To create an isolated network among VMs for Kubernetes:
- Open VMware Fusion → Preferences → Network
- Add a new network (
- Uncheck "Provide addresses on this network via DHCP" (as we’ll use static IPs)
Configure the Internet Network in VMFusion
This is straighgtforward, add it for each node as below:
Create the Base VM and Install Rocky Linux 9
I used to work with CentOS and love it, since CentOS 9 was discontinued at the end of 2021, Rocky Linux was announced as a replacement for it. So I will setup Kubernetes on Rocky Linux 9.
You can download the ISO from here.
Please bear with me. It's a long article, but it's fun! Hope you will like my Kubernetes tutorial soon!
For me, in this kubernetes tutorial, my macboork is Intel, so I used Intel arch ISO and downloaded the DVD ISO, NOT the minimal ISO or boot ISO:
Create a new VM from VMFusion and select the ISO to start installation.
During the Rocky 9 installation, manually set:
- hostname: baseimage
- password of
- Create a user account
and make it as the user administrator - IP Address:
- DNS Server:
- Search Domain:
(We will configure this domain later in localserver VM) - Pointing to NTP server running on localserver(
) which we will setup later.
A few screenshots:
(I added the ens224
network adapter post the ISO installation, that's why it's not shown in below)
If you forgot to configure DNS during installation, update it via command line post installation:
nmcli con mod ens160 ipv4.dns "" nmcli con mod ens160 ipv4.dns-search "" nmcli con mod ens160 ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes nmcli con up ens160 nmcli dev show ens160
Once the DNS server (
) on localserver
is up, you should be able to resolve hostnames:
nslookup baseimage nslookup hostname -f hostname -s
Tips: Network Interface Names
The network adapter name ens160
in Rocky 9 is assigned based on Predictable Network Interface Names (PNIN), a naming convention introduced in systemd v197 to ensure stable and predictable interface names across reboots and hardware changes. The name ens160
specifically follows the "Firmware/BIOS Index-based Naming" scheme, where:
stands for Ethernet.n
indicates it's a network device.s160
refers to the firmware (BIOS/UEFI) assigned index, which is based on how the hypervisor or hardware presents the device.
Why is it ens160
On VMware, the ens160
interface name is commonly assigned because VMware presents the first virtual NIC with firmware index 160
. This is specific to VMware’s implementation.
Is it Consistent Across All Rocky Linux 9 Installs?
Not necessarily. The naming depends on the hardware and hypervisor:
- VMware: The first NIC is typically named
because of VMware’s firmware enumeration. - Physical Machines: The first NIC may be named
, etc., depending on:- PCI bus topology (
for PCI enumeration). - Onboard NICs (
for motherboard NICs). - BIOS/firmware-assigned index (
for BIOS indexing).
- PCI bus topology (
- Other Hypervisors:
- KVM/QEMU: Uses
(based on PCI bus mapping). - Hyper-V: Uses
- KVM/QEMU: Uses
Can You Change It?
Yes, if you want to ensure consistent naming across environments, you can override it using:
- udev rules (
) - GRUB kernel parameters (disable PNIN):
grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"
This will revert to
, etc.
This is out of the scope of our current blog post, feel free to add a comment if you want to see a post about how to override it.
Do you like above style of Tips
? Hope so! I will test out this format in this Kubernetes tutorial, let me know!
Once system is up, let's disable firewalld, obvisouly I don't stuck due to any firewall issue as a base VM image (We will turn it on when setting up Kubernetes cluster):
systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld systemctl mask firewalld
: Disables the service from starting automatically at boot but doesn't prevent manual starts.mask
: Prevents the service from being started manually or automatically by creating a link to/dev/null
Thanks for your reading! I hope you enjoy my kubernetes tutorial so far!
Update Packages
Here I installed my favorite packages/tools, including vim, tmux, zsh and etc.
You can add your own essentials tools in below list so that you can get it on every new VM cloned from this base VM image:
dnf update -y dnf install vim wget git tmux perl-Time-HiRes bind-utils util-linux-user zsh -y
: required by tmux to show time.bind-utils
: provides nslookup and other DNS related toolsutil-linux-user
: provides chsh
Setup password-less SSH authentication from local to VM
I love this! It's a must for any development environment settings!
It's so annoying if you need to type password at every login!
Rocky Linux 9 DVD has installed SSHD server by default.
Typically, we should use ssh-agent
for better key management and security, but since this is a base image and we just want password-less access from our local Mac to the new VMs, it's simpler to prepare the authorized_keys
file. This way, we can quickly enable password-less authentication without dealing with additional setup or dependencies! That's what I will use in this kubernetes tutorial!
- Perform the steps on local machine (mine is the macbook pro) :
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Just follow the steps, using default settings, you will get your key pairs at
Save the output of content of~/.ssh/
by cating it:cat ~/.ssh/
Log into baseimage as root to perform:
mkdir -p /root/.ssh/ touch /root/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
In above vi editor, paste your content of
and save it.
Repeat above steps for creating.ssh
folder and populate the/home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys
Then restart sshd on base VM:systemctl restart sshd
- Test login to the base VM from your local machine, you will not need to type password:
ssh -vv root@ ssh -vv admin@
at this moment is useful, because most likely your first time setup ssh passwordless authentication would fail due to this or that misconfiguration. With-vv
you can spot the error message.
Good luck!
Set Up Essential Tools
Create a shared tools directory:
mkdir -p /opt/share_tools/bin/ chmod 755 -R /opt/share_tools/
Verify directory permissions:
ls -l /opt | grep share ls -l /opt/share_tools
Setup Zsh as the Shared Default Shell
Zsh is the first basic thing I want to cover in this Kubernetes tutorial!
Zsh is the default shell on Mac. I want to have it on the Rocky Linux VM as well.
Install Zsh and Packages (Ensure Zsh is Installed)
Zsh should already be installed in the "Update OS and Install Packages" section.
This guide is best viewed on GeekCoding101—where it was originally published -
Install Oh-My-Zsh
Run the following command to install Oh-My-Zsh:wget -O - | zsh
By default, Oh-My-Zsh is installed in your user’s home directory (
). -
Copy the Checked Out Folder to a Shared Path
Copy the Oh-My-Zsh directory to a shared path:cp -r ~/.oh-my-zsh /usr/share/oh-my-zsh
Install Powerlevel10k to a Shared Path
Clone the Powerlevel10k theme into a shared location:git clone --depth=1 /usr/share/powerlevel10k
You needs to have Patched font to display the icons on shell console. Recommended font can be downloaded at here: Meslo Nerd Font patched for Powerlevel10k.
I am using iTerm2 , so configure the font for the profile as below:
Modify your.zshrc
to use the shared paths (Here I used~/.zshrc
, but we don't need this for every user, because later we will dump the content of~/.zshrc
for all users):export ZSH="/usr/share/oh-my-zsh" ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"
Copy Configured Files to
for New Users
Once the configuration is complete, copy the necessary files to the/etc/skel
directory for new users: -
Set Default Shell for New Users
to set Zsh as the default shell for new users:SHELL=/bin/zsh
Modify /etc/zshrc
for Shared Configuration
At the end of /etc/zshrc
, add the following to handle SSH sessions:
# Check if this is an SSH session # If not, launch bash because console fonts couldn't support oh-my-zsh if [[ ! -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]]; then exec /bin/bash fi
You might notice above screenshot has a very nice status bar in Vim, let me know in comments if you want to know how I customized my Vim ^^ (This guide is best viewed on GeekCoding101—where it was originally published. 🚀)
Append the .zshrc
configuration into /etc/zshrc
cat .zshrc >> /etc/zshrc
Set Up Global Aliases in /etc/zshenv
Populate /etc/zshenv
with the my favorite aliases:
alias ls='ls -G' alias ll='ls -G -l' alias la='ls -G -la' # Git alias gs='git status ' alias ga='git add ' alias gb='git branch ' alias gba='git branch -a' alias gbd='git branch -d' alias gbr='git branch -r' alias gc='git commit ' alias gd='git diff ' alias gdh='git diff HEAD ' alias gco='git checkout ' alias glg='git log --graph --name-only ' # Get pods alias k=kubectl alias kg='kubectl get' alias kga='kubectl get all --all-namespaces' alias kgns="kubectl get ns --show-labels" alias kgp="kubectl get pods -o wide" alias kgpn="kubectl get pods -o wide -n " alias kgpa="kubectl get pods -A -o wide" alias kgpjson='kubectl get pods -o=json' # options: -n <ns> <pn> alias kgpsys='kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pods' alias kgs="kubectl get service -o wide" alias kgsn="kubectl get service -o wide -n" alias kgn="kubectl get nodes -o wide" # Describe alias k=kubectl alias kdns='kubectl describe namespace' alias kdn='kubectl describe node' alias kdpn="kubectl describe pod -n" # options: -n <ns> <pn> # Delete alias krm='kubectl delete' alias krmf='kubectl delete -f' alias krming='kubectl delete ingress' alias krmingl='kubectl delete ingress -l' alias krmingall='kubectl delete ingress --all-namespaces' # Misc alias ka='kubectl apply -f' alias klo='kubectl logs -f' alias kex='kubectl exec -i -t' export GPG_TTY=$(tty) export SHARE_TOOLS="/opt/share_tools/bin/" export PATH=${SHARE_TOOLS}:$PATH
Update zsh
For Existing Users
I know this is our first VM, but just in case you want to configure on your existing VM, for users created before setting up Oh-My-Zsh
and Powerlevel10k
, update their shell to Zsh (replace the ${targetuser} with your real username):
chsh -s /bin/zsh ${targetuser}
For future maintenance purpose, we only need to update the following files:
will check update and prompt when everytime you login. So no need worry there!
Thanks for your reading! So far so good? I hope you enjoy my kubernetes tutorial! If any feedback, feel free to leave your comments!
Configure Tmux for Multi-Session Management
Ever had SSH sessions drop in the middle of a deployment? Or needed to juggle multiple terminals like a hacker in a sci-fi movie? tmux
solves it all. With persistent sessions, split panes, and the ability to detach and reattach at will, I can effortlessly manage multiple Kubernetes nodes, tail logs, and run long processes without worrying about losing my progress. It’s basically my command-line command center, a friend of Kubernetes cluster administrator, and once you get hooked, there’s no going back. 🚀 This is another must for any development environment! Let me show you the tricks in this kubernetes tutorial!
Tmux Launcher Script
I want to luanch Tmux automatically when SSH into the VM, it needs a script to launch it and hook it into zsh launch.
Create a script for launching tmux:
vim /opt/share_tools/bin/ chmod +x /opt/share_tools/bin/
Script contents:
.tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main='\uE0B0' # /!\ you don't need to install Powerline tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_sub='\uE0B1' # you only need fonts patched with tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main='\uE0B2' # Powerline symbols or the standalone tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_sub='\uE0B3' # PowerlineSymbols.otf font, see tmux_conf_theme_status_left=" ☮️ #S | " # status right style tmux_conf_theme_status_right_fg="$tmux_conf_theme_colour_12,$tmux_conf_theme_colour_14,$tmux_conf_theme_colour_6" tmux_conf_theme_status_right_bg="$tmux_conf_theme_colour_15,$tmux_conf_theme_colour_17,$tmux_conf_theme_colour_9" tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main='\uE0B0' tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_sub='\uE0B1' tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main='\uE0B2' tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_sub='\uE0B3'
Now take a look (I just used the localserver VM we will create later to take a screenshot, the top right "localserver" is set by iTerm2) !
Do you feel boring so far? I hope not! If any feedback about this kubernetes tutorial, looking forward to seeing your comments!
Install Miniforge
I haven't thought about what exact use case I need Python in this Kubernetes environment, but I want to have Python management toolkit ready on the base image so that it can become handy in future. Let's cover this in thisKubernetes tutorial as well!
In my development environment, e.g. this Kubernetes cluster environment, I prefer Miniforge over Conda to manage Python, because -- why deal with the bloated, corporate-flavored Anaconda distribution when you can have a lightweight, community-driven alternative that just works? 🚀 Miniforge gives you the same Conda package management power, but without the unnecessary packages, keeping it fast and minimal.
The installation is simple.
Run curl
command to download from here.
Then install it to /opt/miniforge3
so that every user can use it:
curl -L -O "" chmod +x ❯ ./ -h usage: ./ [options] Installs Miniforge3 24.11.3-0 -b run install in batch mode (without manual intervention), it is expected the license terms (if any) are agreed upon -f no error if install prefix already exists -h print this help message and exit -p PREFIX install prefix, defaults to /root/miniforge3, must not contain spaces. -s skip running pre/post-link/install scripts -u update an existing installation -t run package tests after installation (may install conda-build) ❯ ./ -p /opt/miniforge3
During the installation, it also asked me to update Shell, I answered yes
After installation, I noticed that /etc/zshrc
got updated as below:
# >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! __conda_setup="$('/opt/miniforge3/bin/conda' 'shell.zsh' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then eval "$__conda_setup" else if [ -f "/opt/miniforge3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then . "/opt/miniforge3/etc/profile.d/" else export PATH="/opt/miniforge3/bin:$PATH" fi fi unset __conda_setup if [ -f "/opt/miniforge3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then . "/opt/miniforge3/etc/profile.d/" fi # <<< conda initialize <<<
You can see it set PATH
in above, but just to be safe, in order to find programs under /opt/miniforge3/bin
, I also manually updated my /etc/zshenv
as below:
export MINIFORGE="/opt/miniforge3/bin" export PATH=${MINIFORGE}:${SHARE_TOOLS}:$PATH
Let's run a test:
❯ conda env list # conda environments: # base * /opt/miniforge3
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Install and Configure Ansible
Okay, now it's time to install Ansible in this Kubernetes tutorial. Let's use Ansible to manage the operations in Kubernetes nodes.
dnf install epel-release -y dnf install ansible -y
Generate a default configuration file:
ansible-config init --disabled > /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
Update /etc/zshenv
to append below line:
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
Source /etc/zshenv:
source /etc/zshenv
Update /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
[defaults] inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts log_path = /var/log/ansible.log host_key_checking = False retry_files_enabled = False timeout = 10 display_skipped_hosts = False
Verify installation:
If not add export line in /etc/zshenv
and source it, then ansible --version will use /root/ansible.cfg
, like this:
Configure Ansible Hosts
Edit /etc/ansible/hosts
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "ansible-key" -f ~/.ssh/ansible_ed25519 ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@
Test SSH access
ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible_ed25519 root@
Run a quick Ansible test:
ansible baseimage -m ping
Example output:
Tips: Why do we need ansible_ssh_private_key_file in/etc/ansible/hosts
If without it, you might see below output in ping test:
I have written another Ansible script to sync specific account's ssh key to target machine!
You will see it soon in coming kubernetes tutorial!
Create configure_vm.yml
Think about it—cloning the base image is easy, but manually setting the hostname, network, and other configs for every VM? No thanks! That’s way too much repetitive work. 😵💫 I can't tolerate such cumbersome in my kubernetes tutorial!
So, being the efficiency-loving geek that I am, I wrote a script at:
📌 /opt/share_tools/bin/configure_vm.yml
With this, after cloning this base image for our Kubertenets cluster setup, I can just feed in an input file, run the script, and boom—it automatically configures each VM with the right settings. Less typing, fewer mistakes, and more time for the fun stuff. Let’s put this script to work! 🚀
--- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars: input_file: "{{ input_file_path | default('input.json') }}" config: "{{ lookup('file', input_file) | from_json }}" ansible_key_path: "{{ config.ansible_key_path | default('~/.ssh/ansible_ed25519') }}" ssh_key_path: "{{ config.ssh_key_path | default('~/.ssh/ssh_ed25519') }}" tasks: # Handle Ansible SSH Key - name: Check if Ansible SSH private key exists stat: path: "{{ ansible_key_path }}" register: ansible_key_exists - name: Remove existing Ansible SSH private key if present file: path: "{{ ansible_key_path }}" state: absent when: ansible_key_exists.stat.exists - name: Remove existing Ansible SSH public key if present file: path: "{{ ansible_key_path }}.pub" state: absent when: ansible_key_exists.stat.exists - name: Generate Ansible SSH key pair ansible.builtin.openssh_keypair: path: "{{ ansible_key_path }}" type: ed25519 state: present comment: "ansible@{{ config.hostname }}" # Handle SSH Connection Key - name: Check if SSH private key exists stat: path: "{{ ssh_key_path }}" register: ssh_key_exists - name: Remove existing SSH private key if present file: path: "{{ ssh_key_path }}" state: absent when: ssh_key_exists.stat.exists - name: Remove existing SSH public key if present file: path: "{{ ssh_key_path }}.pub" state: absent when: ssh_key_exists.stat.exists - name: Generate SSH key pair for SSH connection ansible.builtin.openssh_keypair: path: "{{ ssh_key_path }}" type: ed25519 state: present comment: "ssh@{{ config.hostname }}" - name: Debug the resolved SSH key paths for verification debug: msg: | The Ansible SSH key path is {{ ansible_key_path }} The SSH connection key path is {{ ssh_key_path }} # Network and Hostname Configuration - name: Set IP address and gateway using nmcli command: "nmcli con mod ens160 ipv4.addresses {{ config.ip }}/{{ config.subnet }} ipv4.gateway {{ config.gateway }} ipv4.dns '{{ config.dns1 }} {{ config.dns2 }}' ipv4.method manual" ignore_errors: yes - name: Bring up the connection command: nmcli con up ens160 ignore_errors: yes - name: Set the hostname command: hostnamectl set-hostname "{{ config.hostname }}" - name: Update /etc/hosts - remove baseimage lineinfile: path: /etc/hosts regexp: 'baseimage' state: absent - name: Update /etc/hosts - add new hostname lineinfile: path: /etc/hosts line: "{{ config.ip }} {{ config.hostname }}.{{ config.domain }} {{ config.hostname }}" state: present - name: Update /etc/zshenv to set ANSIBLE_CONFIG environment variable lineinfile: path: /etc/zshenv line: "export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg" create: yes
This one must be the longest script in current Kubernetes tutorial post!
Too much code?! I know, I know, no worries, it's actually simple. By the way, I will always show the complete code in my kubernetes tutorial, no worry missing any code. If you spot any, comment it immediately to let me know!
It configures the VM by setting up SSH keys, network settings, hostname, and environment variables. It reads configuration details from a JSON input file (input.json
by default) and applies the following steps:
1. SSH Key Management
- Ensures that both Ansible SSH keys (Remember I generated a different key pair for ansible purpose) and regular SSH keys are properly configured:
- Removes existing keys if they are present, that's the ones came from base image.
- Generates new Ed25519 SSH key pairs for Ansible automation and regular SSH access.
2. Network & Hostname Configuration
- Configures the machine's IP address, gateway, and DNS using
. - Brings up the modified network connection.
- Sets the machine's hostname using
. - Updates
:- Removes any references to
. - Adds a new entry for the machine's IP and domain.
- Removes any references to
3. Environment Variable Setup
- Ensures that the Ansible configuration path is set in
Remember the Newwork Interface Name? You need to update ens160
in above script to your network interface name!
My bad! I should have parameterize it for the script!
This script is designed for our initial VM provisioning, ensuring SSH access, correct network configuration, and proper hostname resolution. It really makes our Kubernetes cluster setup easier!
It's fantastic!
Base VM/Image of Kubernetes is done! Clean Up!
So now our base VM for Kubernetes is ready. You think that's the end of this Kubernetes tutorial?! No way! It's just a start!
Since we will clone it to new VMs, let's clean up the logs and stale configuration.
I created below script /opt/share_tools/bin/
to do the clean up job!
#!/bin/bash echo "Starting system cleanup..." # Remove all non-builtin users except 'admin', 'nobody' and reserved users USERS=$(awk -F: '($3 >= 1000 && $1 != "admin" && $1 != "nobody") {print $1}' /etc/passwd) for USER in $USERS; do echo "Deleting user: $USER" userdel -r $USER done # Clean up system logs and temporary files log_dirs=( "/var/log" "/var/tmp" "/tmp" ) # Find and delete log and temp files, and print deleted files for dir in "${log_dirs[@]}"; do echo "Cleaning directory: $dir" find "$dir" -type f -name "*.log" -print -exec rm -f {} \; find "$dir" -type f -name "*.tmp" -print -exec rm -f {} \; done echo "Cleaning up package manager cache..." dnf clean all echo "Rotating and cleaning journal logs..." journalctl --rotate journalctl --vacuum-time=1s # Remove all non-hidden files under /root except anaconda-ks.cfg echo "Keeping anaconda-ks.cfg and removing other non-hidden files under /root..." find /root/ -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name "anaconda-ks.cfg" -not -name ".*" -print -exec rm -f {} \; rm -frv /root/.cache echo "" > /root/.zsh_history # Remove all non-hidden files under /home/admin/ echo "Removing all non-hidden files under /home/admin/..." find /home/admin/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -path '*/\.*' -print -exec rm -f {} \; # Clean up command history > /home/admin/.bash_history > /home/admin/.zsh_history > /root/.bash_history > /root/.zsh_history echo "System cleanup complete."
Just run it once before we shutdown this base VM:
Spent several days crafting this Part 1 post for my kubernetes tutorial — because if I’m doing this, I’m doing it right. My mission? To deliver the best damn Kubernetes cluster setup tutorial on the internet! 🚀
Up next, in mykubernetes tutorial Part 2, I’ll walk you through setting up a localserver to handle DNS and NTP services within our Kubernetes cluster environment, laying the foundation for a fully functional Kubernetes cluster. With some luck (and zero typos in config files), we’ll have our nodes talking to each other in no time. Stay tuned! 😎
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